The title is straightaway lifted from a story I read as a child, Lost in the malayan jungle. It was probably a story about how someone fell from an airplane and was stranded or rather lost in the jungle and finally with much struggle found his way home.
Similar to the story I as well feel lost in the concrete jungle, just existing in some corner and making money to exist more it is a vicious cycle and the rat race isn't helping much either we continuously crave for more soul sucking electronic/media gadgets and try to earn even more and more for latest gadgets or the latest lifestyle.
Simple things in life as taking a walk in nature, running, playing a sport is so difficult and rare that life just feels like a robot's algorithm, and there is always a next career growth or promotion lined up for which we have to buckle up and slave it off, remember rat-race.
This continuous monotonous existence has created more problems for an individual than it has solved with respect to company or economy growth. There is depression, heart-disease, anxiety and lots of other diseases which we acquire owing to this rat race, only a few are able to balance it out and be happy. Interesting part here is that even for those who are happy their methods of happiness might have changed. That brings me to the question what is the source of happiness ? and does source of happiness define the quality of happiness, is there really something like quality ? or are we just looking for satisfaction ?
What meaning my existence has without happiness or satisfaction ? Can we be joyous all the time ?
Maybe no but satisfied maybe. Satisfaction probably comes from accepting things as they are, now the question comes in if we are too satisfied where will the energy for new experiences and growth come from.
I believe the answer lies in the fact that happiness/joy/grief/sorrow all will keep occupying the mind in all situations, however to fight and move towards a certain mental state is the key and letting go is an essential part of the act. As a matter of fact one cannot have everything in life, at a given point in time you would be able to enjoy either cold coffee or hot coffee , for one experience you have to let go another and you have to decide what will you do !?
Letting go is important because why would I want to be part of something which is not making me happy for a major chunk of life ? simply to exist to find happpiness another day ? I guess its wrong, I believe happiness is now.
Balance is an important aspect in life, chaos and order both are needed, order for sustainance and chaos for growth as without chaos order will not change and without order getting change it will not provide sustainance for long. Balance in individual life and in the life of Company/Organisation/Business or Country is needed for existence.
Putting an end to mental diarrhoea now ( dated : 20/09/2021 )
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